11 May 2024
I was avoiding getting out of bed when I came across a Mastodon post by @Foone that got me thinking. She had expressed a very reasonable thought, characteristic of her posts, to include descriptions in the metadata of image so you wouldn’t have to write and rewrite alt texts every time you upload a file.
Being half awake, eyes recently unglued, mind acclimatizing to the horrors of consciousness, I misread Foone post and my interest was piqued:
Naturally, I had to try this.
About Images and Metadata
For those not in the know, image files can carry extra data about the image, such as information about the camera that took it, GPS coordinates, and all manner of sundry bits and bobs.
Most of the time, this is done using an almost 30 year old standard called Exif (“Exchangeable image file format”). It’s derived from the TIFF file format, and mostly uses pointer offsets to refer to the data.
More recently, the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) standard was put forward by Adobe. XMP stores metadata as in the RDF/XML syntax.
So I’m going to try to:
- Hide an image in within the metadata of an image.
- Without reversing/exploiting anything✪For the sole reason that I’m too dumb to do that..
This is already kind of a thing
Both Exif and XMP can store thumbnails, which technically is an image stored in the metadata.
For XMP, you can find some (scarce) details in the official documentation. For Exif, Section 4.4 covers this in the spec (watch out, big PDF ahead).
I thought that this would sort of fail the “hide” criteria. Obviously, we’d expect to find the thumbnails specified in the metadata to be shown in all manner of places where thumbnails are usually shown. From my exceptionally limited testing, that’s not really the case. My operating system’s file manager (Nemo), nor a image metadata viewer I tried (Geeqie) show thumbnails from the XMP metadata.
Doing the thing
Here’s how I used python-xmp-toolkit
, a python wrapper of Exempi, to add our “inner” image as the “thumbnail” of the “outer” image. This is a very naughty thing to do, like labelling the salt as sugar or jaywalking. Do so at your own peril.
from libxmp import XMPFiles
from base64 import b64encode
import shutil
# Encode the "inner" image using Base64
with open(inner_image_path, "rb") as file:
inner_image_encoded = b64encode(file.read())
# Back-up the old image
shutil.copyfile(outer_image_path, new_image_path)
# Load the existing XMP metadata
xmpfile_new = XMPFiles(file_path=new_image_path, open_forupdate=True)
xmp_new = xmpfile_new.get_xmp()
THUMBNAIL_NS = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/g/img/"
# Save the "inner" image in the thumbnail metadata of "outer" image
# Write the XMP metadata to the file
Now I know your heart is likely still racing, but I’m about to take it up a notch. We just used the thumbnail property, which is meant for images, but we can also just use any arbitrary XMP property meant for text by simply changing the namespace and property:
To restore the image from the metadata, simply read the XMP property, decode Base64 to bytes, and write to a file:
from base64 import b64decode
xmpfile = XMPFiles(file_path=outer_image_path, open_forupdate=False)
xmp = xmpfile.get_xmp()
THUMBNAIL_NS = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/g/img/"
inner_image_encoded = xmp.get_property(THUMBNAIL_NS, 'xmpGImg:image')
# alternatively,
# inner_image_encoded = xmp.get_property(consts.XMP_NS_DC, 'format')
inner_image = b64decode(inner_image_encoded)
with open(new_image_path, 'wb') as file:
Double Down✪Written, Directed, and Starring Neil Breen
As is the case for all bad ideas, doubling down makes it twice as gooder.
We can now define three images: an “outer”, “middle”, and “inner” image. The inner image is hidden in the metadata of the middle image, which is then in turn hidden in the outer image.