About Me

Joseph Szymborski of Montréal, Canada: Machine Learning Practitioner and Bad Movie Enthusiast

Hi! I’m Joseph Szymborski. I’m a PhD student at McGill University’s COMBINE lab under the supervision of Prof. Amin Emad. I belong to the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at McGill. I’ve a B.Sc. in Biochemistry and an M.Sc. in Experimental Medicine.

I study how deep learning can help us better understand molecular biology, focusing on making robust and accurate predictions of protein-protein interactions.

In the past, I’ve worked as a Machine Learning Developer at Coveo Solutions, where I worked with the R&D team to implement machine learning algorithms at large scale to return search results for our clients. I also wrote a report comparing deep learning frameworks of the time that I’m rather proud of (although it’s showing it’s age).

Before that, I completed a Master’s of Science in Prof. Luke M. McCaffrey’s lab, where I studied machine learning approaches for the recognition of breast cancers from biopsy microscopy. You can read the thesis I submitted here.